With the EPA breathing down the backs of all the Manufacturers since the early 90’s, everyone has been looking for ways to produce energy efficient washing machines. Whirlpool had been toying with a washing machine that used significantly less water than the traditional top load machine. After several attempts, the Calypso being one, they have recently committed themselves to a design platform (built on the Cabrio line) that not only uses fewer moving parts but also uses significantly less water and therefore operates much more efficiently. This has been a boon to our rural customers on a well throughout our Maryland service territory as well as in the southern parts of Pennsylvania. The new Whirlpool washer also offers a much larger load capacity then the direct drive models bringing smiles to the millions of customers that buy the Whirlpool product.
Even with all these advancements and changes with the Whirlpool washer, no machine is going to last forever. When your washer breaks down you can rest assured that Landers Appliance has the knowledge, experience, friendly attitude and quick response to get your Whirlpool appliances back up and fully functioning in no time. Call 877 633-5154 or send us an
e-mail to schedule.
If you were looking for information on
Whirlpool Front-Load Washers, click on this text. For a history of Whirlpool go to Whirlpool’s website
Whirlpool’s website.