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Chocolate Stain Remover Treatments

With Easter coming up I decided to do some research to help our customers be prepared in the event they need to remove any Chocolate or candy stains. General Tips: Treat the stain as soon as possible. If you can’t begin the total treatment at least soak the garment in cold water. Never dryer a piece of clothing in a dryer unless the stain is fully removed or you are convinced that what remains will never come out. Once you dry a stain in the dryer it probably never will come out! Here is what I thought were the best methods offered: Chocolate Stain Removal: Remove excess chocolate. Use a dull knife or a spoon to remove any excess bits of chocolate from the fabric. Work carefully to make sure you don’t spread the chocolate to clean parts of the clothing. Rinse with cold water. Using cold water, rinse the back of the stained area. This allows the stain to travel back through the least amount of fabric possible. Rub in some liquid laundry detergent. Gently rub liquid detergent into the chocolate stain. Allow the clothing to sit for 5 minutes. Next, soak the clothing for 15 minutes in cold water, Every 3-5 minutes, rub the stained area between your fingers and thumb to loosen the stain. Rinse thoroughly. Continue until no more stain can be removed. Follow these steps to remove chocolate stains from washable fabrics such as Acrylic Fabric, Cotton, Linen, Nylon, Modacrylic, Olefin, Polyester and Spandex: • Wipe up as much excess as possible without driving the stain further into the fibers. • Flush the stain with club soda. • Sponge the area with a spot lifter or cleaning fluid. • Apply a dry spotter to the stain and cover with an absorbent pad dampened with the dry spotter. • Keep the stain moist with dry spotter. • Let it stand as long as any stain is being lifted. • Change the pad as it picks up the stain. • Flush with a dry-cleaning solvent. If any stain remains: • Apply a few drops of dishwashing detergent and a few drops of ammonia to the stain, then tamp (the method of bringing a brush down with light strokes on stained durable fabrics and materials) or scrape. • Keep the stain moist with the detergent and ammonia and blot occasionally with an absorbent pad. • Flush well with water to remove all traces of ammonia. • Allow to dry or launder as usual. Chocolate is a combination stain – a bit of an oil stain, a bit of a dye stain. Begin by rubbing heavy-duty liquid detergent or a paste of powdered detergent and water into the stain. Wash garment as usual with an all-fabric bleach and detergent. Check for stain before drying. If it is still present, repeat steps BEFORE drying. If the garment is dry clean only, point out and identify the stain to your professional cleaner. If you are using a home dry cleaning kit, be sure to treat the stain with the provided stain remover before putting the garment in the dryer bag. Appliance Trouble? Check out our web site for the helpful tips section to test basic functions of your appliances. Call us if you have more detailed questions concerning your appliances or if you want to schedule a technician to come to your home or business and check over your appliances for proper operation and safety. We are here to help! 410 682-3232

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