Whether your freezer is located on the top, bottom, or side of your refrigerator, or if it sits out in the garage, it may experience a little freezer frost at some time or another. You may even find it caked with a thick layer of ice. This is no doubt a problem. Although newer models of freezers defrost themselves, you can help minimize frosting through the following tips.
Shut the Door
In a variety of ways, you can not only minimize the amount of freezer frost that builds up in your fridge but also the time you spend trying to go through daily tasks. One way to do so is to keep the freezer door open as little as possible. Only open it for the time you need to retrieve something; don’t open the door and stare at it listlessly as you make your decision. When the freezer is open to the air outside, humidity enters the chamber. The water in the air can freeze within it, hence causing freezer frost and freezer burn to food.
Dry Off
Similarly, dry off food before storing it inside the freezer. Excess water will turn to ice and create problems, including making the fridge work harder than it has to to keep its contents cool.
Another primary way to take care of frost is to organize the freezer’s contents as well as possible. Make items easy to see and easy to reach. Experts recommend stacking 2-3 pounds per cubic foot. Keep the space well-stocked, but not too full. If you do not have enough food to fill it up, store bottles of water inside it.
Cool and Store Your Food
Meanwhile, food should be cool before sitting in the freezer. Hot food can still let off steam into the compartment and freeze on the roof or walls. When storing food, use the right kind of containers or bags and fill up each one to avoid having too many air pockets.
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